Incubationer LTD

May 25, 2011

Fiber - what do you know about it

Fiber is found mainly in the outer layers of plants. Fiber is indigestible substance. Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate that passes through the human digestive system unchanged.
Everyone of us has heard about the need for enough fiber in the diet. But few people understand the importance of dietary fiber. Fiber is important because it has an influence on the whole digestion process.
Fiber slows down the eating process. Because of fiber we have to chew the food more, and fiber contributes to a feeling of being full, which actually prevent obesity from overeating.
Fiber gives us a greater satisfaction of eating food.
Fiber slows digestion and absorption of glucose. Sugars enter the bloodstream more slowly, which results to a more constant level of blood sugar.

Substantial amounts of fiber are contained in foods such as:

  • Natural cereals
  • Whole-grain breads
  • Beans
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts

There are two main types of fiber, and they have different effects on our body:

  • Insoluble fiber is mainly consists of plant cell walls, and it cannot be dissolved in water. It has a good laxative action.
  • Soluble fiber is consists of polysaccharides and it does dissolve in water. It has a beneficial effect on body chemistry, such as lowering blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Obesity is the most common form of malnutrition in 21st century and is a factor in the two foremost causes of death - heart disease and cancers. Any food that helps people limit calories is desirable.
Fiber keeps stool soft and keeps the contents of the intestines moving.
A good diet should contain approximately 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day. Most of us eat less than half.
Bran has the highest fiber content - about 25% to 45%.

May 17, 2011

Dietary fiber for health

People who are dieting to lose weight often find it helpful to include foods containing high amount of fiber in their diets. These foods are usually low in calories and so help to produce a feeling of fullness.

What the hell is fiber?!
Fiber is the portion of plant material that we can't digest. In other words, dietary fiber is that portion of plants that can't be digested by the non-microbial enzymes of the human digestive tract. Fiber consists of  many substances, such as complex carbohydrates.

What types of fiber exist?
Soluble and insoluble are two kinds of dietary fiber. Both are important for proper bowel function.

  1. Soluble fiber: Soluble fiber dissolves in water, forming a gel in the intestines. The best sources of  soluble fiber are oatmeal, barley, kidney beans, and other fruits and vegetables.
  2. Insoluble fiber: Insoluble fiber passes through the digestive system almost intact, adding bulk to the stool and acting as a sponge to absorb water. It can be found in wheat bran, whole grains, many vegetables and skins of fruit.

Some of the main health benefits of eating dietary fiber

  • Soluble fiber helps lowering serum cholesterol levels by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol.
  • Fiber helps to regulate or slow glucose absorption.
  • Fiber adds bulk to stool, keeping stool soft and the bowels moving regularly.
  • For weight loss: Both types of fiber (especially insoluble fiber) make you feel full, without adding a lot of calories. Fiber-rich foods tend to be low in fat too.
  • Fiber-rich foods contain phytochemicals, known to reduce cancer risks. Fiber may also help detoxify cancer-causing substances.

Foods with fiber have lots of vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. Fiber also helps our bowels to function properly on a regular basis, and to prevent either diarrhea or constipation

How much fiber should we have each day?
The recommended amount is 20-35 grams/day. Some people can tolerate even more. If you don’t eat a lot of fiber now, increase fiber by small amounts (a few grams) each day. This will help to decrease uncomfortable symptoms of bloating, gas and diarrhea. Do not forget to drink plenty of water, in order to prevent constipation.

May I use herbal weight loss supplement that is rich in fiber?
Indeed yes. In fact, many nutritionists and dieticians today do recommend the use of fiber-based dietary supplements for the purpose of preventing obesity or excessive weight gain. Proactol Plus is, perhaps, one of its kind and unique purely organic fiber based herbal supplement with a dual mode of action:

  1. It works by binding with the fat in the food you eat, preventing excess absorption of fat
  2. It works by naturally suppressing your appetite as it contains significant quantities of soluble fiber that dissolves in water, forming a gel in the stomach and intestines. This gives you a feeling of “being fuller” and you are naturally refrained from overeating.